21 Targets: The 21 Day Audiobook Challenge

Current Status
Not Enrolled
Get Started

The next Course will start on February 4th 2024 and available to Pre-Book here:

What is this course?

As audiobook narrators we have only the text.

This course will open your eyes and ears to what is behind the text. You will start to understand how the narrator should ‘sit behind’ the author, respond to the author and be led by the author.

By preparing and recording a project each day and listening to your cohorts recordings, you will hear many differing versions of the same exercises. You will be able to hear what works in your voice, you will be able to hear how unique you are, you will learn new techniques, approaches that maybe wouldn’t have occurred to you, all the time getting feedback from the award winning narrator and coach Matthew Lloyd Davies.

Each Sunday I will be running a Zoom group discussion/feedback session for you to ask questions and for us all to discuss the previous weeks’ exercises.

You have only your voice, your mind, your imagination… this course open your eyes and ears to how to connect your voice with the authors’ intention, and experience that will open your mind and inspire your imagination to connect with the book.

In only three weeks you will grow technically, you will be more confident in your unique ability, and you will be ready and prepared for what this ever-expanding industry has to offer you and what you have to offer audiobooks.

Ready To Map Out Your Journey?


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