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    What should we prepare (if anything) for our coaching sessions with Kelly?



    Hey Everyone. I’m meeting with Kelly tomorrow (Friday, 2/18/22) and will report back on what you need to prepare for her sessions, as well as mine.



    Thank you for asking this, Petrea! And thanks for prepping info, Ronnie. Much appreciated!



    Preparation for sessions with Kelly Gildea

    Ideally these samples would include both narrative (most important) and dialogue (less important). They should be 5 minutes or less.
    I’d love to hear a brief synopsis of the story & characters. Attendees can write that up or tell me before they begin.



    Preparation for sessions with Me.

    Please bring a sample of no longer than five minutes. Here are some things to consider when making your selection, (For some of you more specific than others):

    Kelli. YA or Middle grade

    Steven. Send me an MP3 of both a fiction and nonfiction sample of something you’ve already recorded. If you have something that lives on A website, that will suffice. Then also bring a sample of each to the retreat. (What you bring to work on should be different than what you sent me to listen to)

    Lessa. Your choice.

    Machelle. A selection where two if not three characters are in dialog. (I won’t be mad if you use an African accent. 🙂

    Petra. Your choice.

    Jeanne. Romance, YA, or lit fiction.

    Chris. A selection where you would be tempted to stop and correct/perfect. If you prepare your text with some kind of markup technique, be sure to bring a copy that you can share with me. I’d like to see how you prepare your text.

    Debbie. Selection with male characters.

    Michael. Bring a selection using the same parameters as the selection you are bringing for Kelli, but a different piece.

    Malaika. A selection with male characters.

    Tovah. Something other than Romance of (if that meets the requirement for “trying new things”.)

    Having said all that, if there is a genre that you’ve been dying to break into, or you want to explore something other than what I have suggested, then bring it!

    Looking forward to it.


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by RonnieB.

    L.Malaika Cooper

    Remember, no question is stupid😬, but are these samples to be read live, or pre-recorded?



    Great question! You are bringing samples/selections that you will be reading “live”. With me and the group you’ll be reading sitting a table — very chill. With Kelly you’ll be in my booth and you’ll record your half hour session.


    Jeannie Sheneman

    Thanks, Ronnie! Do you or Kelly want the selections beforehand or shall we just bring them with us?



    Wow, Ronnie, the more I hear the more generous I think you are. Having this at your house, and sharing your booth! That’s wonderful, thank you.

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