Home Forums Time and Money Q4 2021

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    Q4 is a sequence of assignments connected to the Time and Money framework. The fourth quarter of the year is a great time to get out in front of the upcoming year in terms of schedule and rates. By focusing on a doable number of tasks each week, we can stay on top of this project without getting overwhelmed, and without having to devote huge blocks of time to the project.



    To join us for a free live review/preview webinar, register here: https://calendly.com/narrator-life/time-and-money-intensive
    *please do not share this link elsewhere – it’s just for T&M participants*



    Here’s a link to the TotalAudioLength macro, and I’ll share a way to Venmo/PayPal its creator as soon as I have that info.

    How to use:
    Click on the zip file to unzip it
    (Optional but handy) put the macro on your desktop so it’s easy to find
    Click on the macro
    A finder window will open
    Click on the first file of the day, then Shift+click on the last file of the day to highlight the day’s work.
    Run the macro and you’ll get an hh:mm TRT.


    Janet Metzger

    “TotalAudioLength cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. macOS cannot verify this app is free from malware.”
    I found a way on my mac to override the security and open it – just sayin’ in case anyone else has a problem.
    Open finder, control-click the app, then click open.
    HOWEVER, once available on my desktop, I can’t operate the program. Preferences and startup screen are greyed out. Any advice?



    Hi Janet – apologies for the overdue reply. I was in NYC last week hugging everybody at the mixer!
    When you see your app on your desktop, does it look like a scroll on a platform?


    Janet Metzger

    I do have the scroll on a platform thingy on my desktop but when I click on it, my finder window opens to documents, and the choices in the menu bar for TAL are all greyed out. Greg has written me – we’ll see what he says.



    Ok. Here’s what it looks like when the link is working normally. https://www.loom.com/share/4024a36e5e5f4968a83cd6f99244301c



    Hello Time & Money participants!

    This is a quick note to let you know that I’d like to have two check-ins for October.

    Thursday 10/14 at 12-1pm eastern – coffee / lunch / check-in
    Friday 10/29 1:30-2:30 eastern – review October, plan November
    Andi’s Zoom Room: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7085242192

    How’s October so far? The idea this month is to start playing with opening / closing rituals for your days and weeks, finding ways to measure daily work hours and output.

    In doing so, you’ll notice where the holes in your systems are, and also possibly bump up against some bigger-picture questions. No judgment! Just observation and experimentation.

    See you soon,



    To sign up for the monthly zoom check-in (last Friday of the month) here’s the link!




    Trying to decide where to put your social media time and energy in 2022? Make sure you’re thinking about which *audiences* you are trying to reach. Which audiences are on which platforms? This is just one article but there are more out there – worth doing a little research so that you have a strategy for this area of business – otherwise, you know where that time’s gonna go…



    Janet Metzger

    I was able to install TAL on my recording computer and it works like a charm. thank you for all the tech help as well as what it looks like on your computer. Made it so simple!! Thanks, Andi.

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