Home Forums Palm Springs Narrator Retreat March 22 Room Share Thread for Palm Springs March 22 Reply To: Room Share Thread for Palm Springs March 22



AAARRRGGHHH! I just edited my reply above to include *A ton* of info in case people continued to not be able to access the spreadsheet, and it deleted it! Balls! ;-P

Here’s the TL:DR
Single person, King room, Hotel: $275/night; $827 all 3 nights, all included
Two people, Queen room, Hotel: $173-193/person/night; $518-587 all 3 nights, all included
7 people, Desert Oasis AirBnb: $137/person/night; $411 all 3 nights, all included

The AirBnB option I listed seems like the best one of all the ones I saw to suit all our various needs, but doesn’t manage people staying for extra time as elegantly. The hotel does this better, but is 1.7 mi away from Robbie’s, whereas I found at least 3 AirBnB options that were less than a mile away (one that’s only 2 bloks). The “Desert Oasis” option is about 7 blocks/0.5 mi from Robbie’s. (Robbie gave me his address, but asked that I not share it with the group, I think because he’s planning to send out a bundle of info all at once, so we can have resources efficiently collected.)

I broke down the top 9 best options in the spreadsheet (incl hotel), so if you still can’t access it, PLEASE let me know! I think it’s generally been discovered that you can open the link from your email notifications of this conversation, but not from this forum directly (for whatever strange tech/interwebs reasons ;-P ).

  • This reply was modified 3 years ago by LesssLamb.

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